===== Slots ===== Slots are defined with a | (pronounced "pipe") prefix.: :: html: head: title: zml body: nav: {nav} main: |main footer: |footer The dispatcher maps the URLs to views, which are defined with a * (star). The mapping is defined in the ~ routes section. :: %import components %inherit base ~main: index: '/' list: 'blog/posts' show: 'blog/post/{id}' edit: 'blog/post/{id}/edit' ~footer: userfooter: '/' devfooter: 'develop/' *nav: ul.mainmenu: li: base-linkto action='list': 'List' li: base-linkto action='show' id=1: 'Show item with id 1' li: base-linkto action='edit' id=1: 'Edit item with id 1' li: base-linkto action='devfooter' router='footer': 'A developer sub section with a different footer' *index: p: 'index view' div: x: {_request.get.x} *list: p: 'posts view' *show: p: 'show view of id {id}' *edit: p: 'edit view of id {id}' *userfooter: ul.footernav: li: 'user footer item 1' li: 'user footer item 2' li: 'user footer item 3' *devfooter: ul.footernav: li: 'dev footer item 1' li: 'dev footer item 2' li: 'dev footer item 3' Open in your browser. The rendered result depends on the url you enter: http://localhost:5000/blog/posts shows the posts view. http://localhost:5000/blog/1 shows the detail view. http://localhost:5000/blog/post/1/edit shows the edit view.