RESTful resources

RESTful resource are defined by using & as a prefix. The resources can be used to load data into data sections.

In the following example the resource named ‘db’ is configured with a wikipedia api hostname. The ZML implementation loads the JSON data from the path /w/api.php?action=query&list=search&format=json&srsearch=rest. The JSON will be converted and is accessible by using the ‘pages’ context variable.

%import components
%inherit base

@db: ''

#pages: @db

  %for p in
    p: '{p.title}'

The rendered result:

    <p>Representational state transfer
    <p>Rest (music)
    <p>Rest in peace
    <p>The Rest
    <p>Bed rest
    <p>Ain't No Rest for the Wicked
    <p>Rabbit at Rest
    <p>The Rest of the Story