======== Tutorial ======== First steps ----------- Create a file example.py: :: import zml class User(object): def __init__(self): self.active = True user1 = User() user1.firstname = 'Richard' user1.lastname = 'Langly' user1.email = 'ringo@l4ngly.org' user2 = User() user2.firstname = 'Melvin' user2.lastname = 'Frohike' user2.email = 'melvin@frohike1.net' user3 = User() user3.firstname = 'John Fitzgerald' user3.lastname = 'Byers' user3.email = 'jfb@byers23.org' context = dict() context['users'] = [user1, user2, user3] context['styles'] = ['main.css', 'more.css'] html = zml.render('page.zml', context) print(html) Create a file page.zml: :: %inherit 2col *col1_content: div.panel: %for user in users: h1: 'User' div.card: %if user.active: p: '{user.firstname}' p: '{user.lastname}' p: '{user.email}' %else: p: 'The user is not active' Create a file 2col.zml: :: html: head: title: 'ZML' body: h1: 'zml - zero markup language' div.grid: div.m66: div.left: '{*col1_content}' div.m33: div.right: 'some sidebar stuff' Start the example script: :: python3 example.py Examples -------- You can find some examples in the folder zml/examples. Have a look at the github repository: https://gitlab.com/zeromage/zml-py :: git clone git@gitlab.com:zeromage/zml-py.git